ordinary moments are liminal spaces.

"Spring in Chicago arrives quietly with glimpses of tiny purple petals. We’ve learned to look for the return of violets and crocus when it remains cold well past the equinox. In Swallows and Amazons, Arthur Ransome writes, 'You can be wide awake, and not see a thing when you aren’t looking.' 

"Boredom settled over us one day and we turned to these natural bug nets for pretend play. Though they saw no sign of winged creatures, my kids adventured with their nets held high and went looking anyway. They didn't even know what to look for, but that didn’t diminish their wonder one bit."

Read the rest of this article and natural bug nets tutorial in the COMMONPLACE bundle*
*the proceeds from the bundles go to WILD + FREE


the KNIT bundle


Darling, Mag